Sell your leftovers

Its a tough gig to make money making music, or any kind of art. One little trick I learned is to sell your leftovers from any project. For example, if you created a bunch of synth patches for your album, bundle the patches up and sell them. Have you recorded a bunch of drums? Chop them up and make them a loop library. There is always some extra ways to make money you have not thought of. Sometimes these extras can end up making you more money than the thing you are creating anyway. That’s exactly what I am doing with the next Drunk Pedestrians album, all the content I have created to make the record is going to end up in a Reason Refill.

Its easy to get so focused on a project or one little portion of something, that we begin to miss the bigger picture. Take a breath, and a step back and reevaluate what you are really doing. EVERY creative endeavor leaves some mess, instead of wasting it try seeing how you can reuse the mess to create something else. Half the time you can use the leftovers and a catalyst to your next project, or next great idea or whatever. If nothing else you will learn something new about how you make things, or about business. These lessons will prove to be very valuable as you go along.


Failure or undiscovered genius?


Fight 'til your fists bleed, baby.