High Tech VS Low Tech.

Its so easy to get caught up in the latest and greatest shiny object. I LOVE new toys, Maschine, Push, new guitar pedals. It’s all so cool and fantastic. But then I look at guys like P-thugg, Rosko, Damu the Fudgemunk I am blown away at how much they get done with so little gear.

Even the brilliant Jon Hopkins talks about using a very old computer from around 2001 to do all his work. I am the number one offender of wanting more toys, ways to make new sounds. But between what I already have I should be almost limitless. Its such a distraction constantly, new Pro tools this, new synth that. Point is, get to work. Get stuff done, focus on your craft.

Conversely I see guys like Junkie XL and Hans Zimmer and am blown away and how elaborate it all is. Just look at their six plus computer rigs, amazing. 

And I suppose Hollywood film composers have totally different needs than someone making hip hop beats and the reality that those two get is that its all been done, the only thing you can do is have a unique sonic footprint. That’s what a producer and composers job is. Make a unique sound, create your world your way, no stock stuff. Don’t be a preset surfer MAKE SOMETHING FROM SCRATCH. Then do it again. Hans talks about spending all day on one Zebra patch HOLY crap. So get to work, with whatever you have and CREATE!


How I automated life to have more free time.


David Lynch let Kanye down.